
Battling through the contradictions posed by my personal beliefs and the value system that is my inheritance. It felt like I had a choice to make – a choice between finding my place and my

peace. Does adherence mean losing myself and rebellion – defying and denying my lineage? A paradox that the world itself seems to be grappling with today – not defined by nation, class or creed. I am trying to define for myself the tradition I want to be a part of and what it means to my ecosystem. It feels like I am in a no-man’s land – between my inherited beliefs and my independent ones – not defined by tradition but defined by what then? It can be lonely and bewildering at times but also strangely liberating. Maybe these paths converge to lead me out of the woods.

This journey and its peaks and valleys are what I have attempted to explore through the choreography. In my culture, walking on burning coals (or a pyre) is seen as a way to attain spiritual salvation / enlightenment. Physical trauma for spiritual liberation? A journey with me through my conflicts. “